2015 Year End Newsletter

What is Destiny?
People sometimes ask, “What is it that Destiny does and why should I give to a sports ministry?”
Well, in reality sports has both everything and nothing to do with Destiny. We utilize sports as an open door to the Gospel in places where hearts have become hard to other’s outreach attempts. However, the ministry is all about reaching the lost.
Why Should I Give?
In 2015 Destiny spent $18,000 in scholarships for those God called to the mission field! That money comes directly from those of you that give. While on mission, Destiny raised over $8,000 to provide for those in need. We also handed out over $30,000 of donated sports equipment. In 2015 our monthly expenses were $19.004.81 and we raised $19,374.50 per month. We need you to help us grow!
In March while in the Dominican Republic with Lubbock Trinity Christian Baseball we came across Spring in the Desert. Spring in the Desert was an emergency daycare set up in an extremely poor village. We were there to play with the kids and help serve them lunch. While we were serving lunch our translator mentioned that the lunch we were serving was purchased with the last money the ministry had. Can you imagine looking in the faces of 50 beautiful children while you hand them the last food available? The feelings that hit were both humbling and filled with a sense of urgency. We immediately gathered what money we could and then hit social media to raise the funds for this ministry. With $400 in hand we allowed them to purchase food for the near future and then a week after returning sent just over $6,000 that purchased food for the year, installed running water and provided a Mother’s Day party for the brave women that run the facility.
In June while in Costa Rica with Lubbock Trinity Christian Volleyball we volunteered with a family that houses over 50 kids that are without a home. This family becomes their family and allows these children to stay until they finish college or get married. While there, we heard that they had a van that transported children to school each day that had been in the shop for over a month. The van was fixed but they did not have the money to get the van out of the shop. We returned to the villa at which we were staying and gathered over $1,300 from the members of that trip to get the van out of the shop immediately. We also provided money to feed a village and bless the Pastor there with necessary materials for ministry.
There are many other stories of which Destiny is providing much more then just sports training in the areas in which we minister.
Destiny is working on 2 Spring Mission Trips and 1 Summer Mission Trip in 2016. To continue our success we need to add 20 new monthly givers at $50 or more for 2016. You can help! Just visit www.destinysportsmission.com and click the DONATE NOW button.
Give Now at www.destinysportsmission.com
Destiny Sports Mission, INC is a 501c3 non-profit organization and gives can be tax deductible.
Destiny Sports Mission / 22610 Coriander Drive Magnolia, TX 77355